
Breeding pigs in home conditions as a small business

The success of a home raising pig business idea is due to many factors.
The first factor is the consistently high demand for manufactured products. The business idea is resistant to external economic factors.
Meat is actively bought even in the financial crisis.

A mini-pig farm does not require specialized investments.
You can even start with one boar,
which, when realized, is able to bring the first profit to the novice farmer.

Most breeds of piglets are unpretentious to the conditions of detention. It is enough to follow the simple basic rules of elementary animal care.
And if you choose the right breed that is most suitable for your conditions and adhere to the technology of growing the same breed,
then in a year you can reach a decent and stable profit.
Therefore, to begin with, we will consider the features of a profitable breed of pigs with photographs and names.

The business of producing pork at home should begin with the choice of breed. Each breed has its own cultivation technology.
Based on this, a business plan and the structure of a business project are built.
Depending on the breed, the way to implement a business idea can vary significantly.
This is a large white breed of pigs. Yorkshire holds the absolute record for meat growth.
He gains 100 kg of live weight in a record 150 days. Adult boars can reach 350 kg and sows 240 kg.
But for a novice farmer, the breed is not suitable, as it requires special care.

Yokshir suffers from drafts and dampness. Does not tolerate prolonged cold. He is prone to stress because of which he can quickly lose weight.
The sow brings 10-11 piglets weighing just over 1kg each. Therefore, she needs help during childbirth.
This is a large white breed of pigs. Yorkshire holds the absolute record for meat growth.
He gains 100 kg of live weight in a record 150 days. Adult boars can reach 350 kg and sows 240 kg.
But for a novice farmer, the breed is not suitable, as it requires special care.

Yokshir suffers from drafts and dampness. Does not tolerate prolonged cold.
He is prone to stress because of which he can quickly lose weight.
The sow brings 10-11 piglets weighing just over 1kg each. Therefore, she needs help during childbirth.
This breed has the roots of everyone’s favorite Dutch Landrace. But it surpasses them in many ways.

Реализованные проекты

Группа Компаний «ДАХМИРА» - современное оборудование для свинокомплексов, птицефабрик, рыбхозов, КРС и МРС.

Feeding system for fattening pigs

Локация: Ukraine, Nikolaev region.

Оборудование: Dahmira. Daltec

Особенности: In the feeding system, slides of different colors have been installed to make it more convenient and easier for the staff to work.

Особенности монтажа
Ventilation system SLPK-14

Локация: Russia, Amur region

Оборудование: Ventilation system SLPK-14, Multifan

Особенности: Installation and commissioning were carried out in a short 7 days

Особенности монтажа
Maintenance of sows in farrowing and insemination

Локация: Russia, Amur region

Оборудование: Housing equipment SLPK-14. Daltec feeding system. Multifan fans. VVM feeding system for fattening pigs. Microclimate system TPI, CTI, SLPK-14.

Особенности: The production of concrete slotted floors was organized at the client's site.

Особенности монтажа
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