Feed bins, feed distribution

Compound feed is a bulk substance, and the most optimal means for storing bulk substances is a feed storage bin (silo). Storage of large volumes of compound feed in livestock complexes is associated with certain difficulties. For example, large volumes of compound feed require significant storage space for bags, as well as the need to prevent moisture from entering. These problems can be solved by a silo. After all, a bunker is a vertical container that can hold several tens of tons of feed and at the same time occupies a small area, and is able to provide protection from moisture. Loading and unloading of compound feed from the silo is carried out using an auger.

The vertical seam fiberglass hopper is a high-tech innovative robotic development.

It will be interesting for you if...


no condensation, deposits inside the hopper, mold and fermentation required


easy sliding down the hopper of any products is necessary - ground, granulated, crushed, oily, etc.


a high degree of strength, stability and reliability of the product is important to you


it is necessary that the hopper does not require special maintenance and cleaning, even when changing the product

Stages of implementation


Application review


Problem identification


Equipment selection


Proposal preparation


Supply of equipment


Equipment installation

Our specialists

Natalia Slipets

- More than 15 years experience in pig production;
- The way from a student trainee to a manager on a pig farm in Denmark - 96 months;
- Designed and launched more than 15 facilities in the CIS;
- Experience in developing technological projects for the Danish manufacturer of pig breeding equipment Ikadan - 5 years

Alexander Tereshko

- Practical experience in industrial pig breeding for more than 10 years (from the chief veterinarian of STK to a technologist-consultant);
- Internship/practice/visiting advanced farms in Denmark (1.5 years), Belgium, Poland, Russia in order to study and exchange work experience;
- Consulting, technical support - from pig farms to large agricultural holdings.

Benoit Gaudin

- More than 20 years of experience in pig breeding;
- Technological support of pig farms in Russia, Ukraine, Czech Republic, China, Canada, and other countries;
- Provision of consulting and auditing services for various companies in pig breeding complexes.

Our partners